(the last R stands for recovery)
For the past few years we have been spending a week at Mac's Shacks near Stokes Bay each summer. Don't let the name fool you - it is a beautiful spot with lots of options for outdoor fun. There are 4 cottages, so our family takes one, Kristen's sister and her family stay in one, her brother and his family stay in another and my mom and Kristen's parents take the last one. This year we switched from August to July and the timing couldn't have been more perfect.

We left for Stokes Bay on July 13th after supper, just 5 days after my surgery. Originally, they were thinking that I would still be in the hospital, but I was feeling pretty good, and if I was going to sit around and rest at home, I could just as easily do that in a beautiful cottage. As the week went on I was able to do more and more and needed less pain medication. At the cottage there were no chores that needed to be done, aside from washing a few dishes now and then, and there was always a free hammock or chair or couch for relaxing. Kristen and I were able to go for a walk most days, and had fun watching the kids kayak, paddle boat, swim and fish. Evenings were filled with long games of Mexican Train (a new family favourite) and visits to the hot tub. Having good food and lots of family around was the perfect prescription for getting stronger.